Find Us


Rock+Redeemer Vineyard Church
3 Grove Park, Court Drive
Dunstable, LU5 4GP


Where to park?

Council Car Park / Go Bowling

Grove park, Court Drive, Dunstable LU5 4JD

Free on Sundays. Payment needed the rest of the week using the PayByPhone App. You can park on both sides of the Go Bowling building. The far side has charging stations for electric cars.

Park your car. Turn left at the main car park exit, and walk along the road back towards Court Drive. As you reach the road turn right and walk up towards the park opposite Asda. As you pass The Gary Cooper pub, turn right immediately into the park. Rock + Redeemer is on your right.


Free for 1hr (you still need to use the parking machines).
Free for 3hrs with purchases. Redemption needed.

Park your car. And then (as you look at Asda) cross over the road to the left into the park. Rock+Redeemer is on your right in-between BBC Three Counties Radio and the Gary Cooper Pub.


Bus Stop J1 (Asda)

There’s a large central Bus Stop (J1) just outside Asda. Exit the bus. Cross the road into the park and Rock+Redeemer is on your right in-between BBC Three Counties Radio and the Gary Cooper Pub.

Bus Routes

31, 34, 40, 40A, 43, 47, 61, 74, 232, A Busway, B Busway, C Busway, E Busway, Hi, Z Busway.

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