Henry+Debs Cross
Senior Pastors. Henry & Debs started Rock+Redeemer in 2014. Henry is the Teaching Pastor and you might find him picking up the guitar from time to time. Debs works tirelessly behind the scenes heading up Hospitality and keeping Henry in check.
James+Suze Gregory
James and Suze serve as Elders. Part of the team that oversee The Rock and Redeemer Vineyard. They are primarily responsible for pastoral care for members at R&R central and south of Dunstable
Paul+Becky Griffin
Paul and Becky serve as Elders at The Rock and Redeemer, with their primary responsibility being Pastoral care for members in North Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard and surrounding areas.
Becky+Nathan Boddey
Becky is the Childrens Pastor at R+R. Nathan is a Trustee. Becky oversees R+R Kids and the Youth, and also runs Rockabye Baby, a pre-school and parent music group.
Ruth Taljaard
Ruth leads the motley crew of creatives at the Rock and Redeemer - no small task! She is an incredible musician and videographer, has two awesome kids and just makes everywhere she goes that bit cooler…
Sam+Fiona Marr
Sam and Fiona head up the Youth Ministry at R&R. They love young people and have a passion for equipping them to follow Jesus, so much so they even suffer sleepless nights at Youth festivals…
Nicky Royce
One of the many ways Nicky serves at R&R is as our primary Safeguarding Officer. Her role is to ensure that everything we do complies with best practice and our safeguarding policy.